Friday, February 16, 2007

1st Corinthians 2:16

"For who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?" But we have the mind of Christ.

Do I really even begin to think that I have the mind of Christ?

This seems to be completing a thought that Paul began all the way back in chapter 1. In 1:4-7 he says, ‘In him you have been enriched in every way—in all your speaking and in all your knowledge—because out testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore, you do not lack any spiritual gift…”

He speaks of God taking what is foolish—the foolishness of the cross, of wisdom, strength, etc and turning it all upside down. He talks about the Holy Spirit revealing the spirit of God to those that are spiritual. And then the conclusion is—“But we have the mind of Christ.”

And I want to scream—hold on, not me!

I mean if I am honest I find myself worrying and fretting and seeing things just the way that I think they are—thank you very much! This is a matter of focus. This is a matter of passion! Honestly, some days I feel that I have allowed my culture, the expectations that others have of me, to shape me. When that happens my focus and my passions are missing the mark. In the process I am missing the mind of Christ.

Frankly, that is something that I don’t want to miss!

If I take a look at my world today there are some questions, for sure!

Ø What is the mind of Christ for my family? There are things going on right now that don’t seem to have a outcome that I yet understand.

Ø What is the mind of Christ for our church? The mind of Christ isn’t just about the final destination, but the next step in the process. I kind of need to know that for sure!

So God, help me to push other things aside! There is nothing more important than hearing from you. What I think about stuff really doesn’t matter. Until You have spoken the rest is just noise.

Get me out of the noise God! I want to hear your heart and know your mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.